Undergraduate Catalog

Undergraduate Academic Integrity Responsibilities

Department, Faculty, and Student Responsibilities Related to Academic Integrity: University-wide Responsibilities

8.1.1. Any member of the Gallaudet community who witnesses a violation of academic integrity is responsible for reporting these violations to the Academic Integrity Committee. 

8.2. Academic Department Responsibilities 

8.2.1. Academic departments and support units will inform their undergraduate students of the standards of academic integrity and of practices of responsible research and scholarship of their discipline. This information will be disseminated through a combination of mediums such as student handbooks, the Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog, and related websites. Specific departmental responsibilities include the following:

  • informing students about their responsibility to understand the Academic Integrity Policy in the Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog and to strictly adhere to it. All academic departments will include a section on their course syllabi referring to the academic integrity policy and the expectation that students adhere to this policy.
  • informing students where the applicable professional code of ethics can be accessed and the need to adhere to those codes.
  • informing students about the procedures and channels of communication within the department related to academic integrity complaints and appeals.

8.3. Academic Support Unit Responsibilities

8.3.1. Staff who work in academic support units (e.g., Academic Advising, Office for Students with Disabilities, Career Center, Academic Technology, Tutorial and Instructional Services) are responsible for reinforcing the policies of academic integrity. Specific academic support service responsibilities include:

  • informing students about their responsibility to understand the Academic Integrity Policy in the Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog and to strictly adhere to it.
  • informing students where the applicable professional code of ethics can be accessed and the need to adhere to those ethics.

8.3.2. The units are also responsible for reporting incidents of academic integrity violations to the course instructor(s). Procedures for addressing suspected violations of the academic integrity policy outside the context of a particular course are the same as those described for suspected violations occurring within a course. If the incident is not course related, staff should report it to the appropriate unit head or Dean.

8.3.3. Sample incidents include but are not limited to:

  • forgery on documents (e.g. advising forms, resumes, etc.);
  • use of unauthorized aids (e.g. calculators, notes) during an examination;
  • suspected duplication of assignments;
  • or suspected misuse of technology.

8.4. Faculty Responsibilities

8.4.1. Faculty will determine the content, organization, and conduct of their courses and adhere to the published content of such courses as they appear in the current year's Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog. In the classroom, faculty will encourage students to engage in free inquiry and open expression of reasonably related content. They will inform students of the content, schedule, requirements, evaluation procedures, and grading policies employed in the course and of times, outside of class, when they are available for student consultation. Faculty will evaluate students fairly and without bias. Evaluation will adhere to the course goals, design, and timeframe described in the course syllabi. They will provide appropriate and timely feedback to the student about the quality of their work. Faculty will include expectations of academic honesty in their syllabi with references to the Academic Integrity Policy in the catalog. They will model the appropriate application of the principles of academic integrity in the presentation of classroom materials and will make all reasonable efforts to promote academic integrity through course and evaluation design, protection of materials, testing environment, and regular revision of evaluation materials. Faculty will deal with suspected instances of academic dishonesty in accordance with University policy.

8.5. Student Responsibilities

8.5.1. Undergraduate students are responsible for reading the Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog, including the Academic Integrity Policy in this catalog, and are expected to engage in free inquiry and open expression of subjects reasonably related to the content of the course. They will familiarize themselves with the content, schedule, requirements, evaluation procedures, and grading policies employed in each of the courses in which they are enrolled. Students have the right to, and are encouraged to, talk to the person and/or the relevant department chair or unit director, if they have a concern that a faculty member, staff member or student may have violated the academic integrity policy. Undergraduate students will participate in class activities as defined by the faculty member for purposes of facilitating academic or professional development. They will complete course requirements on time and in a manner consistent with the course
requirements. Undergraduate students will make all reasonable efforts to promote academic integrity, by refraining from dishonest practices and by reporting known instances of dishonesty to the appropriate faculty person. Students are subject to the actions brought by faculty who suspect instances of academic dishonesty or other breaches of academic standards. Students may appeal such faculty actions through the undergraduate student appeals process described in the section called "Student Responses to Academic Integrity Violation Allegations.'