Undergraduate Catalog

Undergraduate Grading System

The following grading system applies to undergraduate courses.

Grade Quality Points per hour of credit Used in GPA Suggested Equivalence Definition
A 4.0 Yes 93 and above Excellent
A- 3.7 Yes 90-92
B+ 3.3 Yes 87-89
B 3.0 Yes 83-86 Good
B- 2.7 Yes 80-82
C+ 2.3 Yes 77-79
C 2.0 Yes 73-76 Satisfactory
C- 1.7 Yes 70-72
D+ 1.3 Yes 67-69
D 1.0 Yes 60-66 Poor
F 0.0 Yes Below 60 Failing
XF 0.0 Yes
Academic Integrity Policy Violation
INC 0.0 No
NG 0.0 No
No Grade (UCE499)
P 0.0 No
NP 0.0 No
No Pass (No Credit)
IP 0.0 No
In Progress (No Credit)
WD 0.0 No
Withdraw (No Credit)
AU 0.0 No
Audit (No Credit)
ANC 0.0 No
Audit Not Completed (No Credit)
NS 0.0 No
Not Yet Submitted

Incomplete (INC) Grades

A grade of Incomplete (INC) is given when a portion of a student's required coursework has not been completed and evaluated at the end of the semester due to illness, or other unforeseen, but fully justified reasons, and earning credit is still possible. When this is the case, the INC form (available electronically at Faculty Center in Bison), including required supporting documentation and signatures, must be submitted to the registrar's office before the last day of classes. A student will not receive an incomplete grade for poor, incomplete, or failing work, or willful non-attendance of class.

Students with an INC grade must complete the coursework and receive a grade by the end of the seventh week of the following traditional semester. Incomplete grades given during summer school must be removed during the following fall semester. Otherwise, the "INC" grade automatically becomes an "F".

The time for removing an incomplete grade may be extended one time. The student must petition for an extension prior to the deadline following the reported incomplete. The student must have the approval of the course instructor, academic advisor, and dean of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Pass (P) and No Pass (NP) Grades

Pass and No Pass grades are assigned only in courses approved for such grading. Regular letter grades apply to all other courses. To earn credit in a Pass-No Pass course, a student must receive a grade of "P."

In Progress (IP) Grades

For certain approved courses, an In Progress grade (“IP”) is given to students who make satisfactory progress but who do not yet have sufficient skill to pass the course or skills examination. Upon completion of the course, a final grade is assigned for that semester. However, the former IP grade(s) will not be deleted from the student’s record.

Grades for Repeated Courses

Students may repeat a course once. Both attempts will appear on the student's transcript, but only the attempt with the higher grade will be used for computing the credit and grade earned for the course. With approval of the student's department chair or program director, an equivalent consortium course may be taken to replace the course taken at Gallaudet.

Change of Grade

A change of grade may be made only in the case of a clerical or other administrative grading error. An appeal for a change of grade must be initiated by the student and must be approved by the instructor, department chair, and academic Dean.

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available for students to view and print in BISON.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The GPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points by the total number of credit hours for courses receiving letter grades. For each letter-grade-bearing course, the grade points are obtained by multiplying grade equivalent (4.0 - 0.0) and credit hours. Only grades for courses taken at Gallaudet University, through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, or through approved exchange programs are used in GPA calculations. Transfer credit grades are not calculated into your Gallaudet GPA. GPA is noted in grade reports and permanent student records. There are two kinds of grade point averages in use at Gallaudet University: Degree GPA and Institutional GPA.

Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA)

The DGPA includes the letter grades from all courses numbered 100 to 699. DGPA is calculated for students enrolled in degree courses (with no more than one non-degree course). The DGPA is used to determine academic standing, eligibility for graduation (cumulative DGPA 2.0 or better), Dean’s list (semester DGPA), and/or for degree with distinction (cumulative DGPA).

Institutional Grade Point Average (IGPA)

The Institutional Grade Point Average includes the letter grades from all undergraduate courses, including non-degree courses numbered below 100 (developmental mathematics and English language courses). The IGPA is only calculated for students who are enrolled in non-degree English classes and is used to determine academic standing.