Undergraduate Catalog

Undergraduate Academic Integrity Procedures

Procedures for Handling Suspected Violation(s) of Academic Integrity Occurring Within or Outside Course

9.1.1. Violations of Academic Integrity in Classes A course instructor who suspects a student of academic dishonesty has the obligation to deal with the situation directly and quickly. The instructor will meet with the student to discuss the perceived violation and to determine what, if any, extenuating circumstances exist. The sanctions imposed and remedies recommended depend upon the circumstances surrounding the
incident and the severity of the offense. Sanctions may include: failing an assignment, receiving a reduced grade in the course, or other academic sanctions deemed to be appropriate. The
instructor may also decide to impose more severe sanctions, such as: failure of the course resulting in the grade of XF (indicates violation of academic integrity policy) or recommendation for suspension or dismissal from the University. Remedies may include: requiring a substitute assignment, repeating the assignment under supervised conditions, and other academic
remedies deemed appropriate. The instructor or staff member is required to prepare a written letter to the student detailing the charge(s) and the sanctions and/or remedies. The letter will state clearly:

  • the nature of the offense,
  • the date of the offense or the date it was discovered,
  • evidence to support the offense,
  • the date and nature of the meeting with the student to address the offense,
  • the proposed sanction, any proposed remedy that is required of the student,
  • and the expected outcomes of the remedy. The letter to the student will be delivered by mail, or sent electronically, within five business days after meeting with the student. Copies of the letter must be sent to the academic advisor, program director (if appropriate), department chair, and the academic dean. All sanctions except the recommendation for suspension or dismissal can be resolved between the faculty or staff member and the student. If there is a recommendation for suspension or dismissal, department procedures for recommending suspension or dismissal are followed. All recommendations for suspension or dismissal are sent to the Academic Integrity Committee by the department chair.

9.2. Violations of Academic Integrity Outside of the Class Context

9.2.1. Procedures for addressing suspected violations of the academic integrity policy outside the context of a particular course are the same as those described above for suspected violations occurring within a course. The exception is that the faculty member, staff member, or student contacts the appropriate course instructor or unit head, depending on the nature of the offense, who will meet with the accused student. The department chair or unit head will evaluate the merits of the complaint by interviewing both the complainant and the student who is being accused. If the violation is verified, the department chair or unit head will proceed as described above by preparing a formal letter with copies to the appropriate academic dean and the advisor. Staff working in academic units (e.g., Academic Advising, OSWD,Career Center, Academic Technology, and Tutorial and Instructional Programs, etc.) are responsible for informing students about their need to understand the Academic Integrity Policy in the Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog and to strictly adhere to it.