Graduate Catalog

EIS 702 Ldrsp Persp on Families with DHH Infants and Toddlers: Their Cultures and Comm

This course is the third course in the Early Intervention Studies Graduate Program. The course requires on-line participation. This course examines family systems' perspectives and the interrelationships among the young child who is deaf or hard of hearing, family and communities. Family and community cultures, values and beliefs will be explored. Participants will understand the importance of building relationships and the research underlying the importance of family support systems, acceptance and accommodation. Emphasis will be on collaboration with professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds, leadership and advocacy. The course will address strategies and resources that promote family and professional collaboration, family-to-family support networks, and family involvement.




Admission into the Early Intervention Studies Graduate Certificate or Masters of Arts Program and completion of EIS 700 and EIS 701, or permission of instructor(s).


Certificate, Doctorate, Graduate, Masters