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AHC - Accessible Human-Centered Computing
ASL - American Sign Language
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business Administration
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DEP - Deaf-Centered DiDRR and Emergency Planning
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HSL - Hearing Speech Language Science
IDP - International Development
INT - Interpretation
ITS - Information Technology
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Graduate Catalog
> INT - Interpretation
INT - Interpretation
INT 501G
ASL and English Translation: Skills Development I
INT 502G
ASL and English Translation: Skills Development II
INT 503G
DeafBlind Interpreting I
INT 504G
DeafBlind Interpreting II
INT 595G
Special Topics
INT 600
English Skills for Interpreters
INT 605
The U.S. Deaf-Blind Community
INT 660
Practical Skills for Interpreter Educators
INT 661
ASL Intralingual Skills for Interpreters
INT 662
Introduction to Translation
INT 663
Introduction to Processing Skills for Interpreting
INT 664
Introduction to Consecutive Interpretation
INT 665
Introduction to Simultaneous Interpretation of ASL Monologues
INT 667
Introduction to Simultaneous Interpretation of English Monologues
INT 668
Introduction to Deaf-Blind Interpretation
INT 680
Introduction to Interpreting in Legal Settings, Part I
INT 681
Introduction to Interpreting in Legal Settings, Part II
INT 691
Fingerspelled Word Recognition for Interpreters
INT 695
Special Topics
INT 699
Independent Study
INT 700
How to Teach Processing Skills for Interpretation
INT 701
History of Interpreting
INT 702
How to Teach Translation
INT 703
Theory and Practice for Interpreter Educators
INT 704
How to Teach Consecutive Interpreting
INT 706
How to Teach Simultaneous Interpretation of Monologues
INT 707
Structure of Language for Interpreters: American Sign Language and English
INT 720
Discourse Analysis for Interpreters
INT 726
Fundamentals of Interpreting
INT 734
Interpreting Legal Discourse
INT 735
Interpreting Mental Health Discourse
INT 736
Professional Practice I
INT 744
Interpreting the Discourse of Education
INT 746
Interpreting Business and Government Discourse
INT 749
Professional Practice II
INT 750
Research Methods in Interpretation
INT 754
Interpreting Medical Discourse
INT 777
Guided Research Project I
INT 778
Guided Research Project II
INT 781
Field Rotation
INT 785
INT 795
Special Topics
INT 799
Independent Study
INT 810
Interpreting Studies: Linguistic and Translation Dimensions
INT 812
Research Internship I
INT 813
Research Internship II
INT 820
Interpreting Studies: Socio-Cultural Dimensions
INT 821
Interpreting Pedagogy I
INT 830
Interpreting Studies: Cognitive and Psychological Dimensions
INT 831
Interpreting Pedagogy II
INT 832
Research Internship III
INT 833
Research Internship IV
INT 841
Doctoral Teaching Internship I
INT 842
Doctoral Teaching Internship II
INT 845
Guided Research Project
INT 850
Dissertation Proposal
INT 895
Special Topics
INT 899
Independent Study
INT 900
Dissertation Research