Undergraduate Catalog

Minor in Criminal Justice

The curriculum for the criminal justice minor requires a total of 18 credits. Students will be required to take SOC151 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System (3 credits) and Theories of Crime and Criminal Justice Policy (3 credits). Theories of Crime and Criminal Justice Policy will be a higher level 300-level class. Students will be required to take two of three courses offered within the Criminal Justice Systems cluster. If a student wants to take all three courses within the Criminal Justice Systems Cluster, they will be permitted to, with the third course being accepted as an elective.For the remaining electives students can pick from a number of criminal justice-related courses as well as courses offered outside of the minor. This includes courses offered in Sociology, Government, Psychology, Philosophy, and Social Work. 

Summary of Requirements

Required courses 6 credits

CRJ 350Theories of Crime & Criminal Justice Policy


SOC 151Introduction to the Criminal Justice System


Criminal Justice Systems Cluster 6 credits

Choose two of the following:
CRJ 250Law Enforcement in the United States


CRJ 255Corrections in the United States


GOV 352Civil Liberties


Electives 6 credits

Choose from the following:
CHE 250Introduction to Forensic Science


GOV 355Mock Trial Experience


GOV 370Human Rights


PHI 359Philosophy of Criminal Punishment


PSY 321Abnormal Psychology


SOC 243Sociology of Deviance


SOC 351Juvenile Delinquency


SOC 405Current Issues in Criminology [Topic to be specified]


SOC 436Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender


SWK 318Human Diversity


Criminal Law

Environmental Criminology

Ethics in the CJS

Crime and the Mass Media

The Deaf Experience and CJS


Program Outcomes

1: Identify the underlying philosophies, history, and processes across the three components of the criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts, corrections) (GU SLO: Critical thinking)

2: Identify the nature, extent, causation, and prevention of deviance and crime and understand of the major theories that are used to explain deviance and criminal behavior (GU SLO: Critical thinking)

3: Critically interpret and synthesize research related to the criminal justice field and criminological theory (GU SLO: Science literacy, Critical Thinking)

4: Employ effective communication and presentation skills when discussing criminal justice-related issues (GU SLO: Bilingualism)

5: Understand and apply criminal justice concepts and theories to contemporary social issues and events (GU SLO: Career Readiness)

6: Identify and understand ethical considerations in policy construction and implementation (GU SLO: Career Readiness, Ethics)

7: Identify how the criminal justice system is differentially experienced based on social status and identity. (GU SLO: Critical Thinking)


Criminal Justice