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AHC - Accessible Human-Centered Computing
ASL - American Sign Language
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business Administration
COM - Communication Studies
COU - Counseling
DAS - Data Science
DEP - Deaf-Centered DiDRR and Emergency Planning
DST - Deaf Studies
EDU - Education
EDU 801
EDU 802
EDU 803
EDU 805
EDU 806
EDU 807
EDU 808
EDU 810
EDU 811
EDU 812
EDU 813
EDU 814
EDU 820
EDU 821
EDU 830
EDU 831
EDU 840
EDU 844
EDU 860
EDU 880
EDU 881
EDU 885
EDU 886
EDU 887
EDU 889
EDU 890
EDU 893
EDU 895
EDU 897
EDU 899
EIS - Early Intervention Studies
ENG - English
GOV - Government
GPS - Graduate School & Professional Studies
HIS - History
HSL - Hearing Speech Language Science
IDP - International Development
INT - Interpretation
ITS - Information Technology
LIN - Linguistics
MPA - Master of Public Administration
PEN - Educational Neuroscience
PHS - Public Health Science
PSG - Professnl Studies - Graduate
PST - Professnl Studies and Training
PSY - Psychology
SGS - Sexuality and Gender Studies
SWK - Social Work
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Graduate Catalog
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Graduate Catalog
EDU - Education
> 800
EDU 801
Principles of Statistics I
EDU 802
Principles of Statistics II
EDU 803
Multivariate Statistics
EDU 805
Doctoral Seminar in Scholarly Discourse
EDU 806
Seminar in Publishing, Grant, Writing, and Presentation Skills
EDU 807
Seminar I: Critical Issues in Deaf Education â€" Perspectives of Teachers, School Personnel, and Administrators
EDU 808
Seminar II: Critical Issues in Deaf Education - Transformational Solutions
EDU 810
Advanced Research Design I
EDU 811
Advanced Research Design II
EDU 812
Qualitative Research Methods
EDU 813
Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
EDU 814
Action Research in K-12 Education
EDU 820
Proseminar I : Critical Pedagogy in Education
EDU 821
Proseminar II : Critical Pedagogy in Education
EDU 830
Doctoral Seminar in University Teaching in Education
EDU 831
Practicum & Seminar in Teacher Supervision
EDU 840
Professional Issues Seminar
EDU 844
Guided Studies: Candidacy Preparation
EDU 860
Education Policy and Politics
EDU 880
Curriculum & Instructional Leadership in Deaf Education
EDU 881
Studies in General and Special Education Curriculum & Leadership
EDU 885
Critical Studies in Language, Culture and Literacy
EDU 886
Educational Leadership & Organizational Change
EDU 887
Educational Finance and Resource Management
EDU 889
Seminar in Critical Curriculum Studies
EDU 890
Internship for School Leaders
EDU 893
Practicum in University Instruction
EDU 895
Special Topics
EDU 897
Research Internship
EDU 899
Independent Study