Undergraduate Catalog

THE 281 Theatre Production Practicum

This course provides students an opportunity to earn academic credit by working behind the scenes in support of the design and technical aspects of a theatre production being mounted per semester. Students will develop practical skill sets and an essential knowledge of the logistics required for the successful mounting of a stage production by working in one of its related areas: stage management, scenery, lighting, costumes, props, technical production.

The student’s specific assignment will be made by the theatre faculty and/or technical director at the beginning of each production taking into consideration each student’s experience, their educational needs, and the technical needs of each production.

"This course counts toward the 6-credit Theatre Arts major/minor practicum requirement; students who have already satisfied this requirement may take it as major/minor elective credit. It may be taken as a free elective by students who are not Theatre Arts majors or minors, and it may be repeated without limit.




Permission of the instructor, gained through the assignment of a role behind the scenes ahead of the semester's add/drop period during the first week.


Bachelors, Minor, Undergraduate