Undergraduate Catalog

THE 280 Theatre Performance Workshop

A workshop production is a type of theatrical performance, in which a play is presented, either in selected parts or as a whole, as a performance that does not include some aspects of a fully-staged production, such as set and costumes. As part of the Theatre and Dance program’s transformation of its production practices, this course provides students interested in a play to be produced by the Theatre and Dance program the following semester the opportunity to explore, experiment, and participate in a series of workshopped scenes from the play.  These scenes will serve as a preview and promotion for the play’s fully-staged production the following semester, and students currently enrolled in this course will be prioritized if they choose to stay with their roles accordingly.  A play’s Fall Semester workshop will lead to its Spring Semester production, and a play’s Spring Semester workshop will lead to its Fall Semester production.  

This course may be taken as an elective by Theatre Arts majors and minors who have fulfilled the minimum 6-credit Practicum requirement; may be taken as a free elective by students who are not Theatre majors or minors; may be repeated without limit.  

This semester, [insert playwright and play] is being workshopped, and students will have opportunities to contribute to the creative conceptualization of the play ahead of its full staging.



