Undergraduate Catalog

Undergraduate Student Classifications

Lower-Division Students

  • Students with Conditions who are required to take non-credit courses in English and/or Mathematics
  • Freshmen who have earned 24 or fewer semester credits
  • Sophomores who have earned 25-55 semester credits

Upper-Division Students

  • Juniors who have earned 56-89 semester credits
  • Seniors who have earned 90 or more semester credits
  • Second baccalaureate students who possess a recognized baccalaureate degree and are enrolled in an undergraduate degree program

Full-Time Undergraduate Student

  • minimum of 12 credits per semester
  • maximum of 19 credits per semester, unless the student obtains permission from the Academic Dean of the college or school

Part-Time Undergraduate Student

  • less than 12 credits per semester
  • Not eligible for dormitory residence, unless the student obtains permission to reside in a dormitory from the Director of Residence Life and Dean of Student Affairs.

Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Student

Degree-seeking students are those admitted for undergraduate study and pursuing a program of study leading to an undergraduate degree.

Undergraduate Students with Conditions

Students admitted with English conditions may be allowed to take 100-level or higher courses with permission from their academic advisor, based on a list of courses approved by the academic departments.

Students admitted with conditions have two semesters to satisfy the criteria established by the English Department and Mathematics Program for placement in general studies courses (credit-bearing courses). Exceptions can be made by the Conditions Review Committee. The Condition Review Committee will evaluate the student's progress, review the recommendations of the chairs of the English Department or the Mathematics Program, and make recommendations about continued enrollment.

Non-Degree Special Undergraduate Student

Special students are those who are enrolled in undergraduate courses, but are not pursuing a program of study leading to an undergraduate degree. Students must request special student status from the Registrar's Office each semester. Non-degree special students are not limited in the number of semesters they may attend Gallaudet. If special students later wish to apply for admission to the undergraduate program, they must satisfy the requirements for undergraduate admission.

Visiting Undergraduate Student

Students currently enrolled at another college, university, or community college may take courses at Gallaudet for up to two semesters and transfer all credits earned back to their home institutions. Visiting students often attend Gallaudet in order to enhance their current understanding of and involvement within the deaf community. Requirements for visiting students are:

  • sophomore, junior, or senior status at their home institution
  • a GPA of at least 2.5 or higher
  • working knowledge of American Sign Language (ASL)

Exchange Undergraduate Student

Students currently attending Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio or McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland may attend Gallaudet through the Exchange Student Program for one semester. Requirements for exchange students are:

  • junior or senior status at their home institution
  • a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • working knowledge American Sign Language (ASL)