Undergraduate Catalog

Transfer Credits

The student must indicate any institution(s) previously attended on the Application for Admission (or re-admission) to Gallaudet University in order for that coursework to qualify for consideration as transfer credit. No transfer credit can be considered in the future if the institution(s) is not listed on the application, unless with Prior Permission.

There are different ways students can transfer credits to Gallaudet to apply towards degree programs. Gallaudet will consider credits from any institution. Students may earn credits toward graduation by taking tests in specific subjects under the College Level Examination Program or through the Advanced Placement Program provided by the Educational Testing Service (www.CollegeBoard.com). Prior Permission for transfer credit may be arranged.

Transfer students must meet the residency requirement, which requires residency for the senior year (at least 24 credits). To earn a major, students must complete at least half of the major requirements at Gallaudet. To earn a minor, students must also complete at least half of the minor requirements at Gallaudet. Additional general studies courses may be required to satisfy Gallaudet University degree requirements. Note that some departments may have additional residency requirements for their majors.

For veterans, applicants must submit official transcripts from all prior colleges attended.

Evaluation/Re-evaluation Process

Gallaudet University only processes transfer credits with official transcript(s). The evaluation process may take approximately two (2) weeks. Course equivalencies are requested and approved by respective academic departments. The Transfer Credit Specialist at the Registrar's office will process the official transfer information. Pre-approved transfer credits may be requested for re-evaluation. Contact the Transfer Credit Specialist at the Registrar's Office for further information.

To allow for timely scheduling your first semester of classes here at Gallaudet, we impose a deadline of August 1st (Fall semesters) and December 1st (Spring semesters) for all college transcripts to be submitted to the Admissions office, who in turn will hand the transcripts to the Transfer Specialist in the Registrar's Office for evaluation.

Developmental Credits (English and/or Mathematics)

Gallaudet does not accept any developmental English courses for transfer (College level courses tend to be numbered 100 or higher.)

English as Second Language (ESL) or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses are considered developmental and are not transferable.

Developmental mathematics courses may be considered for waivers at Gallaudet.

Credits Conversion

Gallaudet University operates under the semester system. All transfer credits from post-secondary institutions not on the semester system (eg: quarter hours) will be converted to semester credits. Refer to the Conversion Chart on Registrar Office's webpage.

International Credits

Gallaudet recognizes the need to prevent enrolling in courses that have been taken elsewhere at institutions you've attended previously therefore we make every effort to evaluate your coursework thoroughly and fairly to determine if transfer credit can be awarded. Credits from International (non-USA) college / universities vary and will be evaluated individually.

The University requires that all international students with transfer work obtain a course-by-course evaluation from any of the following pre-approved US-based credentials evaluators:

NOTE: Students must ensure their request for service is the course-by-course evaluation; this would provide the name of the course, the credits earned, and the US grade equivalent.

Also, students must submit a course syllabus, translated into English, for all courses taken. The syllabus must contain the following:

  1. Course title
  2. Course number
  3. Start and end dates of each course
  4. Description of the course, including each topic covered
  5. Name of textbook(s) used including title, author, edition, and date of publication.

Courses, for which course syllabi/course descriptions have not been submitted, will be granted transfer as general electives and will not be applicable to any major requirements. For those courses listed on the transcript with no grades or scores, grades of C- or below, Pass/Fail scores, Audit, or for 0 credit hours are not eligible for transfer credit.

To allow for timely scheduling your first semester of classes here at Gallaudet, we impose a deadline of August 1st (Fall semesters) and December 1st (Spring semesters) for all college transcripts to be submitted to the Admissions office, who in turn will hand the transcripts to the Transfer Specialist in the Registrar's Office for evaluation.

Please refer to the Transfer Credits webpage for more information on transfers.

Credits by Examination

Most examinations are provided by CollegeBoard and include, but not limited to, Advanced Placement (AP), and College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Contact the Transfer Credit Specialist in the Registrar's Office for Gallaudet's policies. The institutional code number for both CLEP and AP is 5240 for scores to be sent to Gallaudet University.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) gives you the opportunity to receive college credit for what you already know by earning qualifying scores on each examination, as judged by the appropriate department. Information on the CLEP, as well as the procedure for applying, can be obtained online at clep.collegeboard.org. Information about transfer credit and the process can be obtained from the Transfer Credit Specialist in the Registrar's Office.

Advanced Placement Tests

University credit will be given for Advanced Placement (AP) tests with scores of 3.0 or better, and Honors credit will be given for scores of 4.0 or 5.0. These shall be considered as transfer credits and thus will not be counted in the grade point average. Information on available AP tests and obtaining AP scores can be found at APcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/controller.jpf. Information on procedures for transferring AP credits can be obtained from the Transfer Credit Specialist in the Registrar's Office. Refer to Registrar's Office AP information webpage for list of equivalencies at Gallaudet.