Graduate Catalog

Ph.D. in Critical Studies in the Education of Deaf Learners

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Critical Studies in the Education of the Deaf Learner emphasizes critical pedagogy as the foundation for advocacy in the education of deaf individuals. Graduates are prepared to be agents of change in their roles as practitioners, administrators, teacher educators, and researchers through a critical examination of educational, social, and political issues. Our doctoral program provides a balance between a required core program of study and an individualized study in a concentration area in which the student plans a course of study with the guidance of the faculty advisor. In completing the concentration area requirements, the student engages in independent study courses, seminars, and research internships directly applicable to the area of research pursued. To succeed in the doctoral program in education, students must possess a high degree of initiative, self-direction, and commitment to inquiry.

Upon completion of all program requirements except the dissertation, students in the doctoral program may apply to be awarded an Education Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) degree. The Ed.S. degree is typically awarded after passing the comprehensive examination, and is not a terminal degree. The Ph.D. is a terminal degree and is awarded upon successful completion of the dissertation requirements.

Admissions Procedures and Requirements

Applicants for the Ph.D. in Critical Studies in the Education of Deaf Learners must complete the application procedures and meet the requirements for graduate study at Gallaudet University. Visit the Graduate Admissions website for more information and a checklist of application requirements.


First Date for Consideration of Application: As reviewed
Last Date for Completed Application: February 15

Program Specific Requirements

  • Scholarly ASL Sample: Submit one or two videos showing your work in the field.
    Sample may be an ASL publication, a video essay or presentation from your
    previous graduate work, or a response to an article from your field*.
  • Scholarly English Sample: Submit one to two writing samples showing your work
    in the field. Sample may be a publication, a paper from previous graduate work, or
    a response to an article from your field*.
  • Interview
  • MA in field related to professional goals
  • Minimum 3 years experience with deaf children, youth, and/or adults

*The program will identify articles to share with applicants.

Prior Educational Background

MA in Field Related to Professional Goals

Prior Professional Qualifications

Minimum of 3 years experience with deaf children and youth (preferred)

Transfer Credit Hours

A maximum of 12 post-master's semester credit hours taken before admission to Gallaudet's Ph.D. program may be transferred to Gallaudet's Ph.D. program on the condition that:

  1. course grades are B or better
  2. courses are relevant to the planned program; and
  3. credits have been earned within five years prior to admission into the doctoral program.
  4. A maximum of 12 additional credits of coursework may be transferred into the Ph.D. program after admission on the condition that: (1) the coursework was pre-planned and pre-approved by the Department of Doctoral Studies Committee, and (2) the sum of all transfer credits applied toward the P.D. core coursework does not exceed 24 credits.

Plan of Study

Prerequisite course

EDU 720Introduction to Research



an introductory research course


Core Competency Area I - Foundations of Critical Studies in Deaf Education (12 credits)

EDU 820Proseminar I : Critical Pedagogy in Education


EDU 821Proseminar II : Critical Pedagogy in Education


EDU 885Critical Studies in Language, Culture and Literacy


EDU 889Seminar in Critical Curriculum Studies


Core Competency Area II - Design, Research, and Implementation (19 credits)

Required Sequence:

EDU 801Principles of Statistics I


EDU 810Advanced Research Design I


EDU 812Qualitative Research Methods


EDU 813Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches


EDU 897 (2) - taken twice for a total of 4 credits

A Course in Dissertation Methodology (3)


Other Optional Courses

EDU 802Principles of Statistics II


EDU 811Advanced Research Design II


Core Competency Area III - Scholarly Development (21 credits minimum)

EDU 805Doctoral Seminar in Scholarly Discourse


EDU 806Seminar in Publishing, Grant, Writing, and Presentation Skills


EDU 844 Guided Studies: Candidacy Preparation (1-2 credits; 3 total)

EDU 900 Dissertation (1-3 credits; 12 minimum)

Core Competency Area 4 - Develop Expertise in Concentration Area

Select an area:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Education Leadership & Policy
  • Bilingual Education
  • Teacher Education
  • International Deaf Education
  • Deaf Students with Disabilities
  • Self-Designed Concentration (must get Program Advisory Committee approval)

The following lists are rough outlines of courses that students in each Concentration area could select from. If students need to take courses at other universities for their Concentration area, they may transfer in up to 15 credits, per graduate school policy. Consortium courses do not count toward this limit.

Early Childhood Education (18 credits)

EDU 760Foundations of Policy and Legislative on Bilingualism: Implications for ASL/ENG Biling for 0-5


EDU 761Theoretical Perspectives of ASL/ENG Bilingual Education for 0-5


EDU 762Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of Bilingualism


EDU 763Assessment and Individualized Planning in ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood


EDU 764Applications in ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood Education for 0-5


EDU 765The Family Collaboration and Partnership: The ASL/ENG Bilingual Lens


ITF 700Socio-Cltrl & Political Ctxts for DHH Infants, Toddlers and their Families


ITF 701Com, Language & Cognitive Dev: DHH Infants and Toddlers


ITF 702Ldrsp Persp on Families with DHH Infants and Toddlers: Their Cultures and Comm


ITF 703Strategies for Developing Com, Lang & Cogn for DHH Infants and Toddlers


ITF 704A Developmental Approach to Programming for Infants/Toddlers and their Families


Education Leadership (18 credits, at least one from each category)

Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

EDU 880Curriculum & Instructional Leadership in Deaf Education


EDU 881Studies in General and Special Education Curriculum & Leadership


EDU 886Educational Leadership & Organizational Change


Professional Development and Supervision

EDU 831Practicum & Seminar in Teacher Supervision


Legal and Ethical Issues

EDU 735Introduction to Special Education and the IEP Process


EDU 860Education Policy and Politics


Resource Management, Public Relations, and Administration

Taken via consortium:

  • American University: EDU 631 Educational Leadership and Organizational Change (3)
  • American University: EDU 694 School Improvement, Organization and Administration (3)


EDU 890Internship for School Leaders


Bilingual Education (18 credits)

EDU 701Deaf Learners and Education in Bilingual Communities


EDU 707The Structures and Application of American Sign Language and English in the Classroom


EDU 711Literacy Applications in ASL/English Bilingual Classrooms K-12


EDU 713Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development


EDU 761Theoretical Perspectives of ASL/ENG Bilingual Education for 0-5


EDU 762Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of Bilingualism


EDU 763Assessment and Individualized Planning in ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood


EDU 764Applications in ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood Education for 0-5


ITF 703Strategies for Developing Com, Lang & Cogn for DHH Infants and Toddlers


International Education (18 credits)

DST 741Development of the Transnational Deaf Public Sphere


IDP 770Introduction to International Development


IDP 771International Development with Deaf People and People with Disabilities: Language and Inequality


IDP 772Micropolitics of International Development


IDP 773Macropolitical Intersections of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Development


IDP 774Program Development and Evaluation for Social Change


IDP 775Project Design and Implementation for Social Change


IDP 776Research Methods and Ethics for International Development


GOV 791International Relations and Development


Teacher Education (18 credits)

EDU 830Doctoral Seminar in University Teaching in Education


EDU 831Practicum & Seminar in Teacher Supervision


EDU 880Curriculum & Instructional Leadership in Deaf Education


EDU 881Studies in General and Special Education Curriculum & Leadership


EDU 886Educational Leadership & Organizational Change


EDU 893Practicum in University Instruction


Deaf Students with Disabilities

EDU 670 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this specialization
EDU 735Introduction to Special Education and the IEP Process


EDU 771Introduction to Educating Deaf Students with Disabilities


EDU 772Classroom Management


EDU 773Home-School Continuum: Collaboration with Families, Paraeducators, and Professionals


EDU 775Language and Literacy Development for Deaf Students with Disabilities


EDU 776Teaching Functional Curriculum to Deaf Students with Disabilities


EDU 777Differentiating Instruction in the Content Areas


EDU 779Assessment of Deaf Students with Disabilities


Program Outcomes

Critical Studies


Analyze, critically evaluate, and utilize educational theories, policies, research and practices intended to improve equity and social justice for deaf individuals.


Apply a critical stance toward theories and practices related to language and literacy learning of diverse children and adults.




Apply established criteria or standards to evaluate the quality of research. (This includes, but is not limited to: the What Works Clearinghouse criteria, Council for Exceptional Children criteria, Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research, or Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research.) 


Design, conduct, and disseminate research.




Communicate effectively in American Sign Language (ASL) and English within a variety of academic and professional roles.


Demonstrate professional behavior, ethical practices, and collaborative leadership that promote social justice.


Participate in continuous inquiry and reflection that enhances scholarly knowledge, professional practice, and leadership.


