Undergraduate Catalog

Interim Gender-based and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures

Gallaudet University is committed to creating and maintaining a living and learning environment free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, intimidation, and/or violence, including sex discrimination, intimate partner abuse, stalking, all forms of sexual misconduct, and the D.C. crimes of intimate partner violence, intra-family violence, sexual abuse, and stalking. All members of the University community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect for the rights of others. The Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures intend to define community expectations, to reaffirm these principles, and to provide recourse for those individuals whose rights have been violated.

Creating a safe environment is the responsibility of all members of the University community. The University is committed to addressing sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, stalking, and other forms of gender-based discrimination, fostering an environment that promotes prompt reporting of all types of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking, and ensuring the prompt, fair and impartial resolution of all complaints from the initial assessment and investigation to the final outcome. Every member of the University community has a responsibility to become familiar with this policy and procedures.

As a recipient of Federal funds, the University is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. Sexual misconduct as defined in this policy, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX and will not be tolerated at Gallaudet. Such discrimination includes, but is not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual misconduct (including sexual assault), sex or gender-based bullying, hazing, stalking, and intimate partner abuse (including domestic violence and dating violence). Resolution of complaints of such discrimination is intended to bring an end to harassing or discriminatory conduct, prevent its recurrence and remedy the effects on the victim and the community.

Gallaudet takes the necessary steps to reduce the need for reactive intervention by providing preventive and risk education and training and by preparing and disseminating educational print material, videos, workshops, training seminars and academic course offerings related to sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, and stalking. Gallaudet encourages reporting of incidents and also attempts to eliminate pressure that might lead students to choose to not report a sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking incident or to minimize its seriousness by providing a process whereby the parties involved are treated with dignity; privacy and confidentiality are maintained to the fullest extent possible; allegations of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, and stalking are investigated promptly and thoroughly; and that students are provided with full support and assistance.

The University's policies and procedures regarding Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Abuse, and Stalking can be found at these links below:

Gallaudet's Protection Against Sexual Harassment policy can be found at this link: http://www.gallaudet.edu/administration-and-finance/administration-and-operations-manual/302-protection-against-sexual-harassment.

Gallaudet's Interim Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures in the online Student Handbook can be found at this link: http://www.gallaudet.edu/student-affairs-and-academic-support/student-handbook. There are resources in the online Student Handbook such as on how to report incidents of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, and/or stalking, helping a friend who may be a victim of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, and/or stalking, a list of on- and off-campus resources, and a frequently asked questions page.