Undergraduate Catalog


Transfer students who have completed 30 college credit hours or a combination of 12 hours of college English and math credit with a grade of "C" or higher in each course will be notified by the Office of Admissions if they are waived from submitting ACT/SAT scores. Applicants who have been waived from submitting test scores may still be required to take English, math, and ASL placement tests for the purpose of being placed in the appropriate General Education courses. Applicants with 56 or more hours of college credit are waived from taking the DRP and GWE placement tests. Students with three hours credit in college English with grades of "C" or higher will not take the DRP and GWE placement tests. Students with three hours credit in college math with grades of "C" or higher will not take the Math placement test. Final high school transcripts will be waived if applicants submit college transcript(s) indicating 30 college credit hours or more. Applicants must submit official transcripts from all prior colleges attended.

For applicants who have graduated from high school in May of 2012 and later, and are transferring to Gallaudet will be required to submit their final high school transcript with graduation date and diploma type, regardless of how many credits they have earned from their previous college(s).

Applicants may request an official evaluation of transferable college credits. Gallaudet will accept college-level courses completed with a grade of "C" or better. Transferred courses may be applied to satisfy general education requirements or major requirements only when approved by the appropriate program coordinator/school director. Transferred courses with no Gallaudet equivalent will be considered as elective credit. Gallaudet University operates under the semester system, and any transfer credits not on the semester system will be converted to semester credits. The 'T' grade and grade points from transferred courses are not calculated in the student's GPA at Gallaudet. Refer to the section entitled "Prior Permission Transfer Credit" for courses transferred to substitute for a Gallaudet course with a lower grade.

Transfer students must meet the residency requirement, which requires residency for the senior year (at least 24 credits). To earn a major, students must complete at least half of the major requirements at Gallaudet. To earn a minor, students must also complete at least half of the minor requirements at Gallaudet. Additional general education courses may be required to satisfy Gallaudet University degree requirements. Note that some departments may have additional residency requirements for their majors.

Articulation Agreements

Gallaudet University has established a set of agreements with the following colleges and universities to expedite the transfer process for students striving to transfer to Gallaudet.

Articulation Agreements with:

Austin Community College

John A. Logan College

Kapi'olani Community College

Northern Essex Community College

Ohlone College

Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf of Howard College

Memorandum of Understanding with:

Austin Community College

Central Piedmont Community College

Florida State College

Front Range Community College

John A. Logan College

Lansing Community College

Northern Virginia Community College

Ohlone College

Tidewater Community College

Western Piedmont Community College

Prospective students are encouraged to seek an evaluation by contacting the Transfer Credit Specialist at Transfer.Specialist@gallaudet.edu. All students must meet the admissions standards criteria regardless of the status of the transfer credit review results.