Gallaudet University Organization
Gallaudet operates under the direction of a president appointed by the Gallaudet Board of Trustees as the chief executive officer of the campus. The president develops campus policy through broadly based consultative procedures that include students, faculty, staff, and administrators in decision-making.
The Gallaudet Faculty Senate and its Executive Committee, made up of elected representatives of the faculty, recommend academic policy to the president through a shared-governance process.
The university divides its operations into administrative divisions, each under the direction of a vice president. The current Gallaudet leadership team of the president is (her) executive team. The members of the President's Executive Team are:
- Roberta "Bobbi" Cordano, J.D., President
- Heather Harker, Chief of Staff, Office of the President
- Dr. Khadijat Rashid, Provost, Academic Affairs
- Marianne Belsky, Chief Academic Officer, Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center
- Dr. Laurene Simms, Interim Chief Bilingual Officer
- Dr. Jeremy Brunson, Executive Director, Division of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Excellence
- Travis Imel, Dean of Student Affairs
- Brandi Rarus, Chief Communications and Admissions Officer
- Dominic N. Lacy, Chief Operating Officer
- Brad Hermes, Chief Financial Officer
- Faye Kuo, Interim General Counsel