Online Degree Completion Program
Gallaudet University offers the Online Degree Completion Program (ODCP), an online undergraduate degree attainment avenue for degree completion students who have accumulated 60 hours of college credits.
Online Courses
Students can earn college credits through coursework offered in a variety of settings, online courses owned by the University and taught by its faculty, and online courses from the Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities (OCICU) of which Gallaudet is a participating institution.
Online Degree Completion Program students seeking online courses will be advised accordingly. Online classes are offered in an 8-week accelerated format throughout the year.
Online Learning Readiness
Good time management skills are essential to succeed in these highly interactive and learner-centered courses. Readings, assignments and activities are posted online and students are required to log in to submit assignments electronically and participate in course discussions. Students are responsible for obtaining their own computer and internet access and are expected to have basic computer and internet literacy.
Gallaudet University Online Academic Calendar
Students in the ODCP program will abide by the online academic calendar.
Gallaudet Thirty Credits Minimum Requirement
For the online degree completion program, at least 30 credits of the total degree requirement, including half the major/minor requirements, must be earned from courses owned by Gallaudet and taught by its faculty. OCICU and transfer credit may not be applied to this 30 credit/50% minimum requirement.