Undergraduate Catalog

Federal Work Study (FWS)

This program is designed to assist students who must earn part of their education costs by working part time. The amount a student can earn under FWS is determined on the basis of need and the amount of funds available in the program. Federal Work Study students are paid on an hourly basis every two weeks. The salary begins at minimum wage and can be increased depending on the nature of the job and the job requirements. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Office of Financial Aid.

The FWS program is funded annually by the Federal government; however, the amount of funding varies year to year. FWS funds may become exhausted before the end of the year, depending on the number of students employed, the cumulative total of hours worked and the hourly rates paid. Department heads, supervisors and students should be aware that FWS funds may not provide support for the entire academic year, and that if FWS funds are exhausted continued employment will be at the full expense of the employing department. Departments and students will be notified if and when FWS funding will cease.