Graduate Catalog

PSY 870 Clinical Hypnosis and Brief Psychotherapy

The present course is an elective, intervention course in the Clinical Psychology program. It introduces students to the work of Milton Erickson and others who have pioneered the use of hypnosis in clinical settings. While this course does not lead to certification in the field of hypnosis, it will lay the foundation for anyone later wishing to pursue certification through professional groups such as the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). The course is highly experiential, including work on trance inductions, development of metaphors, and application of trance principles and hypnosis to specific kinds of issues in psychotherapy and healing in general, as well as application of hypnosis work with deaf people. Enrollment in this course signifies that you agree to serve as a participant with one or more of your classmates. In addition to the experiential component, the course will provide students the opportunity to review research into hypnosis and hypnotic phenomena.




A graduate level course in methods of psychotherapy or an equivalent.

