Undergraduate Catalog

General Education Requirements

The following general education requirements apply to students matriculated (admitted and registered) during or after Fall 2021. Students matriculated before Fall 2021 should refer to the archived catalog of record for the academic year in which they were admitted.

Core Requirements

Requires 43 credits (some credits may also count toward the student’s major or minor)

Three components of the Core curriculum:

  • Experience (18 credits):
    • This is the “freshman foundation”
    • First year seminar
      • Two semesters (6 credits)
      • VEE* 101 & VEE* 102
    • Pathways
      • Bilingual pathway:
        • ASL course: ASL 125 (3 credits)
        • English course: ENG 102 (3 credits)
        • Bilingual course: VEE* 150 (3 credits)
      • Math pathway:
        • 3 credits
        • MAT 101 or MAT 130 (depending on future goals)
  • Explore (24 credits):
    • Purpose: allow students the freedom to determine and follow their own interests while gaining the skills needed to explore big questions, develop foundational competence in discipline-specific methodologies and create new knowledge or novel solutions
    • 4 Areas of Inquiry
      • Creativity & Communication
      • Identities & Cultures
      • Ethics & Civics
      • Science & Technology
    • Two courses (6 credits) required from each Area
    • These may also count toward the student’s major or minor
  • Engage (participation milestones plus 1 credit):
    • Purpose: To foster a sense of belonging, develop relationships, build an ethic of civic responsibility and service, and gain practical experience
    • At least two semesters of active participation on campus
    • At least one semester of active participation off campus
    • A final culmination one-credit online course
      • VEE* 300
      • Completion of both on- and off-campus engagement as prerequisites
      • Focused on developing a reflective portfolio, integrating learning from throughout the EXPERIENCE, EXPLORE, and ENGAGE components of the Core curriculum
      • Connecting Core learning to the student’s major and future plans
      • Using the Core SLOs as the touchstone

*VEE is the label for an ASL sign that doesn’t have a direct English translation. Its meaning incorporates the concepts of “notice, be fascinated, find interesting, analyze, observe, and watch”. When we use VEE as the name for our Core curriculum courses, we are celebrating our bilingualism and encouraging our students to be intellectually curious in both ASL and English and whatever languages they bring with them.