Graduate Catalog

Academic Probation

The purpose of Academic Probation is to support student success in their programs and uphold the academic standards of Gallaudet University.

The process described below ensures that students receive timely guidance from their programs and the Graduate School about how to successfully complete degree requirements.

A program director/coordinator (hereafter referred to as program director for clarity) may recommend that the Dean of the Graduate School place a student on academic probation for unsatisfactory performance in any area of academic activity. This may include but is not limited to coursework, comprehensive or qualifying examinations, fieldwork, clinical, practicum, internship, research, or any applied area of professional study where failure to maintain minimum standards of scholarship, professional behavior, and communication is observed. Individual programs may also establish ethical or professional guidelines that reflect standard practice in their own disciplines or fields. Violations of these professional guidelines may also result in a recommendation of academic probation.

A request for academic probation must be preceded by a discussion of unsatisfactory performance with the student and must be accompanied by a letter to the student from the program, clearly specifying the conditions to be met and the time in which they are to be met. Requests for academic probation may be made either after observing a pattern of behavior or after a single violation that is considered serious enough to warrant immediate attention. Individual programs may develop additional procedures for handling concerns prior to recommending academic probation to the Dean of the School.

Students placed on probation will receive a letter from the Dean of the Graduate School, copied to the program director and school director, outlining the conditions that must be met to make satisfactory academic progress in the graduate program. The student is encouraged to request a meeting with the program director to discuss the letter and any questions they may have about returning to good academic standing. Students may bring someone to accompany them during this meeting. Students may contact the assistant dean for graduate education for general information about the academic probation policy or the Office of the Ombuds for additional resources.

When probationary requirements are met, the program director will inform the Dean of the Graduate School, who will inform the student. Not meeting the requirements for removal of academic probation within the specified time may be grounds for dismissal from the program.

Veteran Students

As with all students, Veterans and other eligible persons under CFR §21.4253 who are placed on academic probation will receive a letter from the Dean of the Graduate School outlining the conditions that must be met in order to be removed from academic probation. For example, a student may need to repeat a course or an exam the next time it is offered in order to return to good academic standing within the degree or certificate program.

Veterans and other eligible persons under CFR §21.4253 must meet all specified conditions to be removed from academic probation within two consecutive semesters. Those who fail to remove themselves from academic probation by the end of the second continuous semester will no longer be eligible for certification by Gallaudet University for VA Education Benefits. The Veterans Administration will be notified of the students' continuing probationary status.