Graduate Catalog

SWK 601 Child Welfare Practice

This course introduces the student to the field of child welfare and provides an overview of child welfare policy, theory, research, and practice issues. It looks at child abuse and neglect in all its forms (physical, sexual, emotional) in an ecological context (individual, familial, social, and cultural forces that interact with one another to cause abuse). Students are introduced to the historical context of child maltreatment, the current social policies that are in place that affect the protection of children, and the role of the social worker and the NASW Code of Ethics in child protection. Also covered are the procedures for child abuse investigation and reporting, interviewing the child and family, and the role of the court system. Controversial issues and opposing viewpoints are considered such as imprisonment of abusers, effectiveness of prevention programs, foster care, and proposed policy changes designed to reduce violence and harm to children.




Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Social Work or permission of instructor