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AHC - Accessible Human-Centered Computing
ASL - American Sign Language
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DEP - Deaf-Centered DiDRR and Emergency Planning
DST - Deaf Studies
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PSG - Professnl Studies - Graduate
PSG 660
PSG 661
PSG 662
PSG 663
PSG 664
PSG 665
PSG 666
PSG 670
PSG 671
PSG 672
PSG 673
PSG 674
PSG 675
PSG 676
PSG 677
PSG 681
PSG 682
PSG 683
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PSG 686
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PSG 693
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Graduate Catalog
PSG - Professnl Studies - Graduate
/ 600
PSG 660
Socio-Cultural & Political Contexts of Early Educ. for Deaf/HH Infants, Toddlers and Families
PSG 661
Developing Communication, Language & Cognition in Deaf/HH Infants and Toddlers
PSG 662
Leadership Perspectives on Families with Deaf/HH Infants and Toddlers & their Cultures & Communities
PSG 663
Strategies for Developing Communication, Language & Cognition for D/HH Infants and Toddlers
PSG 664
A Developmental Approach to Programming for Infants/Toddlers and their Families
PSG 665
DHH Infants Toddlers and their Families: Capstone Project
PSG 666
DHH Infants Toddlers and their Families: Capstone Project II
PSG 670
Foundations of Policy/Legislative Legislative on Bilingualism: Implications 0-5 for Bilingual Ed
PSG 671
Theoretical Perspectives of ASL/English Bilingual Education for Birth-5
PSG 672
Family Collaboration and Partnership: The ASL/English Bilingual Lens
PSG 673
Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of Bilingualism
PSG 674
Assessment and Individualized Planning in ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood
PSG 675
Applications in ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood Education for 0-5
PSG 676
Capstone I: ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood Education for 0-5
PSG 677
Capstone II: ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood Education for 0-5
PSG 681
Introduction to Educating Deaf Students with Disabilities
PSG 682
Classroom Management
PSG 683
Home-School Continuum: Collaboration with Families, Paraeducators, and Professionals
PSG 684
Language and Literacy Development for Deaf Students with Disabilities
PSG 685
Teaching Functional Curriculum
PSG 686
Differentiating Instruction in the Content Areas
PSG 687
Assessment of Deaf Students with Disabilities
PSG 690
Seminar: Orientation to Peer Mentoring
PSG 691
Hearing Loss in America: An Overview
PSG 692
Practical Audiology: Fundamentals for Consumers
PSG 693
Biopsychosocial Aspects of Hearing Loss
PSG 694
Communication Assistive Technology
PSG 695
Peer Mentoring for Hearing Loss
PSG 696
Final Seminar: Applications of Peer Mentoring