Graduate Catalog

HSL 888 Advanced Research Design I

The main purpose of the Advanced Research Design I course is to facilitate student's integration of theory, research design, and measurement issues with knowledge of statistical procedures needed to plan, accomplish, and evaluate qualitative and quantitative research projects in speech, language and hearing sciences. Students will develop their ability to locate, review, and critically evaluate research studies. The course will cover the proper format for research proposals and reports, measurement issues, and sampling. In addition, the student is introduced to quantitative and qualitative approaches to research. The student will develop critical analysis abilities using the criteria of validity and reliability as explicated in experimental design principles. Specifically, the course will focus on (1) Identifying and formulating research questions, (2) Completing a literature search and literature review, (3) non-experiment (qualitative) research design (case studies, survey research), (3) experimental research and levels of evidence, (4) research participants and sampling, (5) data analysis: describing different types of data, (6) data analysis: inferential statistics, (7) research outcomes.




Prerequisites: Matriculation as a HSLS Ph.D. student, completion of the qualifying examination or permission of the department.


Doctorate, Graduate